Out with the Old, In with the New.

I began this blog draft on Samhain (October 31st, known to many as Halloween).  I hadn’t written a blog (though I journal regularly) since the spring and SO much has happened in my life and within my internal landscape over the past year.  I figure that Samhain, the final harvest, and the beginning of a new cycle, is the perfect time to say a few words. 

Samhain is about retreating inward to the womb… to come back to the seed form.  The seed begins in the darkness after all. We ALL begin in the darkness and come out of the dark and into the light.  I feel like my life over the course of this past year has been shaped by this notion. I’ve had a lot of “ah-ha” and “duh” moments about my patterns and self.   I looked back at my journal from Samhain 2018 and I pulled the Chariot major arcana card - a card reminding me that the fruits of my labor are directly related to my hard work.  I HAVE worked hard this year. I also made the intention to shed old patterns, and dammit, I have done that too. It hasn’t been easy, but something in my internal landscape has shifted.  Remarkably so. Maybe its age, maybe its finally learning the lessons that I repeated over and over again. But either way, I feel different.

I have my practices to thank for they support me: yoga, meditation, witchcraft, music, arts, herbalism, writing.  There are more, but those are some of them. People marvel at how I can do all the things I do. Well, I’m on a journey. I’m on a journey to vibrate at a higher level and to do the best I can with what I have and what I work for. 

This past year was full of amazing yoga events and collaborations with my sisters of the moon: Dark Moon Tarot and the Chaos Factor (which I am one half of!).  And one intention I have for the future is to keep expanding along this healing path. Every time we do an event, every time I teach, every time we connect with folks and they tell us how much these workshops help them, I know I am on the right path.  I am so grateful and SO lucky to be able to blend so many things I love into a unique modality. I get to weave together the ancient practice of yoga, with music, art, green witchcraft, and western earth magick and its something that reaches people. I am proud of that!

On a personal note, something shifted in me when I went to Greece this summer with several lovely friends and my teacher/friend Annakathryn Carlson.  Being in Greece felt like returning home. The archetypes of so many goddesses in my personal pantheon are so ever present there: Athena, Hecate, Circe, Aphrodite.... I could feel them around me as I feel their qualities in me now.

I had spent a lot of time over the winter spring and summer healing from past wounds, and Greece shifted me.  I came back into my power. And I don’t see that changing any time soon.

SO, it’s been a cathartic year.  I’m looking forward to what is to come!  Per personal practice and tradition, I pulled three major arcana cards last night while in solitary circle.  The death card, the high priestess and the sun. I interpret these cards, in the context of “a life lesson to ponder for the next year,” as a new beginning.  A new beginning and shift is evident, and trusting intuition and working on the self is paramount. A new cycle has begun for me.

I am ok with this.

Blessed Be and Namaste, Witches.