Photo by Pat Piasecki
Navigate the seas of life. Rise like the sun, the moon, and the ocean tide. Cultivate and manifest balance within and union with all.
My name is Chrissy and I offer a number of wellness modalities on the North Shore of Massachusetts including mindful vinyasa, restorative yoga, guided meditation, distance reiki, herbal knowledge, and thai yoga bodywork. I love sharing my practices with my students in a holistic and nurturing way; and because I’ve been playing in bands around the Boston area for almost 2 decades, FUN is ALSO usually at the top of my list when it comes to teaching and making sure everyone feels empowered with a healthy dose of "rock and roll" attitude.
On the flip side, my holistic wellness practice runs deep into the earth and universe, and I love to share my long-cultivated (since I was a tiny little hedge witch!) personal connection to the elements, the earth, the sea, and the moon during classes and focus on how our connection to nature not only heals us in mind and body, but integrates our authentic selves into the universe. We are all seeking to shine our truest selves to the world!
Check my class and workshop pages for updated information about scheduling!
Namaste, Sat Nam, and Blessed Be!
Chrissy V.