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New Moon Libra Restorative Yoga and Meditation

  • Iris Sky Healing Arts 138 Dodge Street, 2nd Floor Beverly, MA USA (map)

Join me for New Moon Restorative practice and meditation as the moon approaches its dark phase in Libra. Set intentions, feel refreshed and renewed as you step into a new cycle.

Class will be held in person at Iris Sky Healing Arts in North Beverly, MA. Masks must be worn at all times, and space is limited to 4 practitioners, with an investment of $25. Parking available behind the building. Please see their website for more details and directions.

You must sign up through this link to attend in person:

If you would like to join virtually, you may participate via zoom. Please do one of the following:

1) Paypal:
(choose friends + family to avoid fees)
2) Venmo ChrissyVaccaro13 + include your email address

Please sign up by 3PM on 10/14 to receive the link in time. A sliding scale of $10-15 is available for the link. If you cannot participate in real time but would like to receive the recording, just add a note that you would like the recording when you send payment. Please include the date/name of class when you sign up.

I look forward to sharing practice with you and shedding a little moon magick into our lives!