Join me for New Moon Restorative practice and meditation as the moon approaches its dark phase in Libra. Set intentions, feel refreshed and renewed as you step into a new cycle.
Class will be held in person at Iris Sky Healing Arts in North Beverly, MA. Masks must be worn at all times, and space is limited to 4 practitioners, with an investment of $25. Parking available behind the building. Please see their website for more details and directions.
You must sign up through this link to attend in person:
If you would like to join virtually, you may participate via zoom. Please do one of the following:
1) Paypal:
(choose friends + family to avoid fees)
2) Venmo ChrissyVaccaro13 + include your email address
Please sign up by 3PM on 10/14 to receive the link in time. A sliding scale of $10-15 is available for the link. If you cannot participate in real time but would like to receive the recording, just add a note that you would like the recording when you send payment. Please include the date/name of class when you sign up.
I look forward to sharing practice with you and shedding a little moon magick into our lives!