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Thru the Veil: Samhain Meditation and Reiki Cleanse

At Samhain, or Halloween, the veil between the worlds becomes thin. Our intuitive centers open, and when our minds and vessels are clear and vibrating high, we can peak into the shadow world. In this shadow world resides our loved ones who have gone through the veil, our ancestors and their infinite wisdom, and our spirit guides. This realm also serves as a portal into our selves. Samhain is the perfect time to explore these aspects of shadow, and to work with the energies of death and rebirth.

The Samhain portal, as the veil thins, becomes more and more open as we approach 10/31. Join me on 10/27 as the moon waxes toward full in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is an incredibly intuitive sign and will allow our 6th chakra to be open and ready to receive. I will lead you through a dreamy meditation and will provide group distance reiki to all participants in order to cleanse and open your energy centers so that you can be ready during this highly energetic time to delve into the depths and explore.

This workshop is via zoom and only requires you to have a cozy spot in your home to lay down or sit for meditation. I will provide a bit of folk knowledge about some helpful herbs to ritually burn to heighten your intuitive centers.

Sign up here:

Zoom link will be emailed to you upon signup.

Investment of $15, let’s slip through the veil.