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Imbolc Awakening: Yin Yoga and Tarot

  • Hive and Forge 30 Church Street Salem MA 01970 USA (map)

Join Rebel Yell Yoga, the Chaos Factor and Dark Moon Tarot for another celebration of seasonal vibration through yoga, tarot, and herbalism. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Imbolc, marking the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox, the seeds of life begin to stir and awaken from the depths of winter slumber. What is awakening in you?

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures (asana) that are held for longer periods of time (1-5 minutes). The poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. It literally awakens your body! Yin yoga is also very meditative and aims at cultivating awareness of self, inner peace, and connectedness to the universe. Please bring a yoga mat AND a blanket to roll up and use as a prop during this practice (these will not be provided).

There is a profound link between Tarot & Yoga, as they both bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious. Following a guided savasana that will put you on the path to yoga nidra (yogic sleep), we will sit in circle and sip an intuition boosting herbal tea made by the Chaos Factor. Using Tarot as a tool, you will be guided in a group Tarot reading to awaken your own personal intuition and receive guidance with Dark Moon Tarot.

As a special incentive, all furloughed federal employees can come to class for 1/2 off. Contact us and get the discount code if you have been affected!

Namaste and Blessed Be!
