Sthira Sukam Asanam is Sanskrit for "Asana is a steady, comfortable posture," and is written about in the ancient yoga sutras of Patanjali. This phase is also sometimes translated as spicy and sweet or strength and flexibility. Any way you present it, our yoga postures (asana) do not always feel so steady and comfortable! But the intention to cultivate this balance can bring new expansion to the physical practice, and as a result, bring the same steadiness and ease to the mind and spirit. When we become too rigid and over-effort, we lose our ability to flow, and when we become too flexible, we lose our steadiness of boundaries and integration. Come explore the essence of this sutra on your mats with me! Class is alignment based vinyasa where you will manifest this balance in your personal practice through a number of common poses.
Both in studio space or virtual live stream is available for drop-in price of $16 at Green Tea Yoga in Salem, MA.