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Awaken + Emerge: Imbolc Guided Meditation and Reiki

The festival of Imbolc marks the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Sacred to the maiden goddess Brigid, it is the time when the waters of impending spring begin to flow up through the soil. The first stirring within the seeds buried beneath the snow are harbingers of what is to come: the flowing of the sap, the warming of the earth, the procreation of new wildlife, the first shoot of life springing forth again. Spring is coming and we can sense it during this simple and quiet time.

Awaken and Emerge with me on a guided journey through the turn of the Wheel of the Year, as we step closer and closer to spring. Deep guided meditation and healing reiki energy support your healing journey readying you for your first call to awaken.

This event is via zoom in the comfort of your own home! All you need is a cozy warm spot, some blankets, and an open heart and mind to take this Imbolc journey. $15 investment. <3

Earlier Event: January 27
Full Moon Leo Flow + Restore
Later Event: February 4
Thirty Minute Thursday!