The energy of Salem and the surrounding areas in October is high vibe and intense. Take the time to decompress with this one hour restorative yoga class with Chrissy of @rebelyellyoga. Samhain celebrates the last harvest of the growing season and includes gentle and relaxing yoga poses designed to let your mind wander through a guided meditation focusing on the seasonal vibrations of Samhain. Samhain is the traditional celtic "final harvest" known here as Halloween. You do NOT need to be a witch, a pagan, a buddhist, or even a and advanced yogi to come to this class. It is open to all and the themes of harvesting, turning inward, and honoring our ancestors ring true for all of us. We will focus on the connection between our mind, body, and spirit as a sangha, the community of practice, and while the veil between worlds is thin, uncover illumined knowledge to cultivate during the darkness of winter to last us to the rebirth of spring in all her glory.
Small bottle of black viola flower essence included with class. Black viola is especially powerful during times of closure and when shifts in energy are occurring. Samhain is such a time.
*Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance. A head count for the Samhain spray is needed.
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Earlier Event: October 28
Samhain Savasana at Witch City Wicks
Later Event: November 7
New Moon Scorpio Flow and Sacred Circle